Currently on Day 23

Friday, July 2, 2010

Here's the rundown:

Day 19 - Day 19 was a typical Monday at work, but I couldn't wait to get home. We were supposed to start Brody's swimming lessons at Lakeshore Middle School with Sami (cousin/best friend). But, I was disappointed because it got rained out. So, we had to postpone. Instead, we decided to take Brody to see TOY STORY 3! It was super cute and had a great message! Got home really late, it was 11pm when we got out of the movie. Of course, I had some popcorn. But, I tried to keep the butter VERY minimal, which is hard knowing how good it tastes. Surprisingly, it didn't taste all that great when I got a little butter in there. Of course, Brody loves popcorn, but he was on the edge of his seat the entire movie, no desire to hardly touch the popcorn (glad we got the small!).

Day 20 - Tusedays are typically pretty busy for me at work. I drank my Spark knowing I would need it. I'm still trying really hard to reach my goal of drinking a gallon of water per day! It's tough, because you have to pee ALOT. But, I'm pressing on! I'm loving the results. We actually got to start Brody's swimming lessons, but the rain still threatened to come down. I'm glad we got to start, Brody was SO excited to start on Monday. So, he did amazing! He is like a little fish in the water :) I'm not surprised, I practically lived in the water as a kid! Anyhow, we had Cripsers for dinner, I got the salad trio, chicken, tuna and fruit salads. I was stuffed!! But, it was an overall great day!

Day 21 - Hump day at work! I only work part time, but Wednesdays always seem to drag the most. I met with a good friend of mine to discuss her 24 day challenge! I'm SO excited to see her results! She's going to look amazing soon :) Brody had his second swimming lesson. He just keeps rocking! Everything they ask him to do, he does with ease. It might take a little focusing on my part, because now all he wants to do it jump from the wall. He keeps asking me, "Can I do the wall now?" So CUTE! David didn't feel like cooking dinner, so we ate at Chikfila. My Fave! Another blessed day from the Lord.

Day 22 - Thursdays are eraly days for me. I only work until 3pm. So, when I got off work, I headed home to pickup Brody and lay him down for a nap. That didn't happen :) He was simply too excited about swimming! So, we got to play for a little while before time for his lesson. David was playing at a church with his band, Fighting Forward. As much as I wanted to go see him play (it's been a while!), I knew Brody's swimming lesson was more important. And, unless God saw fit to rain it out, I knew the show would go on without me. Well, on the way to swimming lessons, I realized Iw as hungry (DUH). So, we swung by the pool to make sure the lessons were still going on, then ran over to Wendy's for a quick bite. I got a grilled chicken sandwich and a side salad and ate the chicken plain. Before I could pay for the food, Brody passed out in the back seat. I tried desperately to get him to eat before his lesson, but I could only manage a few french fries for him. So, he ate a cold hamburger afterward. He couldn't stop asking me about his lesson, so I knew it would be better to just let him do his thing. We barely beat the rain on the way home from the lesson. Then I gave him a bath, played in his room for a bit and then off to bed he went! It wasn't that easy for me, I have a hard time falling asleep when David's not home. I fell asleep once in the bathtub and once on the couch before he came home. Overall, a nice day.

Days 12-18

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Okay, I've been completely crazy the past few days and totally keep putting off blogging. The good news is there isn't much that really changes from day to day on the Max Phase. Not even my weight. I keep weighing myself in the morning, and haven't had much in the way of loss. However, I am losing inches, which is always better than pounds! So, I'm pressing on!

The Max Phase has been pretty calm. Aside from the rundown of meals, there isn't much that has changed from Day 11. The regiment is exactly the same. I've been working out, cardio mostly. This probably helps with the inches, too. My little miracle catalyst is amazing! Anyhow, I will try to actually keep this updated like I'm supposed to :) I know, I know...I'm a slacker!

I'm a slacker!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Allright, allright. I'm totally in the weeds now. I completely forgot to post anything for a few days. Well, I didn't exactly forget, more like didn't have/make time. So, here's the quick overview:

Day 8 -
Woke up, drank my spark, took catalyst, took my shower, drank the fiber drink, off to work. Had my midmorning snack, lunch and mid-afternoon snack. No spark needed. For dinner, we met my brother at Crack Barrel. I ate the lemon pepper trout, with broccoli and carrots. I really love fish! Then, home and good night.

Day 9 -
Woke up, drank my spark, took catalyst, took my shower, drank the fiber drink, no work. Stayed home for the morning, then ran some errands for Beckie. We had a mini party to celebrate Haley's party (cousin) which meant a trip to Chuck-E-Cheese. Normally, I would eat pizza, but I opted for the salad bar. Loaded that baby up! Got to hang out with my favorite toddler (of course, Brody) and then back to Beckie's for some pool time before the storm hit us. Then, a few more errands, all on the same spark. Then we ate dinner before heading to the gorcery store. Our weekly trip, which I saved over $47! (Thanks Then, back home, hang out with the family and then off to bed.

Day 10 -
David went fishing with his big brother, Marc. So, I decided to tackle the house head first. I woke up around 8 (by the way, at 10 pounds loss!), drank spark, took catalyst, folded a few loads of laundry, drank my fiber drink, fixed breakfast for Brody, cleaned a load of dishes and started the dishwasher, folded more laundry, spent some time with Brody watching his Saturday cartoons, ate a snack, fixed lunch for both of us, laid Brody down for his nap (yeah, right) and dove into cleaning the bathroom. Every time I clean the bathroom, it has to be a top to bottom deal. By the time I was done with that, I was expecting David home any minute. Folded a little more laundry, spent some time with David, took a nap on the sofa while he started working on dinner with the bass he caught! Then, woke up to dinner ready, and YUMMY! I love my hubby's cooking! Somewhere in there, Brody woke up. We watched our latest arrival from Netflix, The Princess and the Frog (cute family movie). Then off to bed so we could get up early for church.

Day 11 -
First day in the Max phase. Woke up, took the first pill pack and drank my spark. Mixed my fiber drink a bit later, which tasted pretty good (berry). Having a hard time getting myself to drink the whole thing. Not sure why. Then, took the other two pill packs, grabbed a banana on the way out the door to church. No McDonald's today. Busy, busy at church, getting ready for the service. By the time we got out of church, I was starving, even though I ate the banana around 10am. This is probably because I didn't drink the full shake. So, we get to lunch, went to Okinawa, Japanese Steakhouse for lunch with the in-laws to celebrate Father's Day. Had a good time! Then we headed home and took the boat for a ride. We were hoping for a little more time before the storm hit, but we only got about an hour. As we were trying to get back in, the 'dragon' boat held us up, made for a very stressful couple of hours. If you haven't seen this boat 'Lord of the Wings', it's gorgeous (Brody loves it). But, the ramp was busy, and they were holding up traffic for somewhere in the rage of 30-45 minutes. All the while, we're trying to get out of the water before the storm. Anyhow, we got out safely, dropped the boat trailer and headed home. David made a carrot soup recipe he's been dying to try. It was pretty good and we had a curried chicken and salad with it. Then David decided he really wanted Dairy Queen. Now, anyone who knows me, knows I can't pass up a trip to DQ. I opted for the safest choice on the menu (Hawaiian blizzard - SMALL). Hey, it's got coconut, pineapple and banana. The only bad thing really, is the ice cream. Oh well, I'll burn extra calories later :) It's Father's Day! So, home and relaxing for a bit before bed time.

Until next time...

Day 7 - And still going!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Day seven was pretty normal. I weighed myself, and have lost 8 pounds! I got up, drank my Spark, took the catalyst and probiotic restore. Then I ate a peach. I got dressed and ready for work. I'm loving the summer, as school is out and makes for a much easier commute! For lunch, I decided to forgo the 'salad' part of my salad and just eat the toppings :) So, I cut up half an apple, added almonds, chicken and a light drizzle of dressing and loved it! For my afternoon snack, I ate a bowl of oatmeal. Then off work and to the house, cleaned a little, spent time with the little man before helping David cook dinner. We at grilled chicken, grilled squash and baked potatoes. I had a sweet potato, which is normally what I eat when David wants a baked potato; I like them better. I wasn't really hungry before bed, which was earlier than usual for my household! David went to bed around 7:45pm! He was just exhausted from the heat of the week. I made sure to take the herbal cleanse packet (last one) and then head to bed, too. Until next time...

On the sixth day...

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I lost 7 pounds! Okay, I can't say enough about how exciting this regiment is. I have never lost healthy weight like this. My body is just melting the fat, and that's exactly how I want it!

I woke up this morning and checked the scale. I was SUPER excited about the loss. Just the boost I needed to keep going! I drank my Spark (gold in a bottle) and took my catalyst and probiotic restore. Walked the dog, my usual routine. Took a shower, got ready for work. I'm feeling like a million bucks!

For my mid-morning snack, I ate a navel orange, love them! Then for lunch I made myself a salad topped with grilled chicken, almonds, onions, and apple chunks. Added my yummy dressing and went to town :) I'm turning into a salad freak!

Then my afternoon snack was a packet of oatmeal, which I'm really loving. Then for dinner, I had a date night with my little guy. He really wanted tacos, not my best option. But, I got a chicken taco with salsa and no cheese. I have to say, the cheese is probably my biggest sacrifice here. They didn't have wheat tortillas, but I think I'll survive. So we headed to Toys 'R Us, Brody's first ever trip. He wanted EVERYTHING on the shelves. We put toys in the cart, took them out, put toys in, took more out. That went on for about 2 hours. He loved it. Then we finally ended up getting a donkey. Don't ask, he just loves Shrek. Anyhow, I enjoyed my night, but I was exhausted. So, once I got him home and in bed, I crashed on the sofa waiting for David to get home from band practice. Until next time...

Day 5 - Down 6 pounds!

So, Day 5 was pretty much the same as usual. I woke up to my routine, which is so simple so I love it. I mixed my Spark, took catalyst and the probiotic restore. Then I packed my lunch for work, walked the dog, you know the usualy morning stuff. I headed to work amped about my weight loss! I've now decided to weigh myself daily, it seems to be giving me a huge boost in confidence that I need to continue telling people about my journey. So, at work I ate an apple for mid-morning snack, a salaed for lunch with salmon left over from the night before (YUMMY) and I had a packet of oatmeal for an afternoon snack. All the while, I keep drinking my water, still reaching for my goal of one gallon per day. I learned that I can also drink Crystal Light, but I'm not really wanting it.

So, for dinner, David made Thai Coconut Curry Shrimp, which was DELICIOSO! Can you tell I love his cooking?! Then I had a night snack, canatloupe. I picked a really juicy one this time. Then I took the herbal cleanse night pack before bed.

Today was a Monday, and I didn't really feel the usual drugery Mondays typically bring my way. I felt refreshed and empowered, especially since I had already lost 6 pounds! I'm on my way to a skinny, healthy me!

Day 4 - Family Day

Monday, June 14, 2010

So, Day 4 was Sunday, which means family time. So, I didn't blog. Here's the update:

Day 4 was the first day on the cleanse when I didn't have to drink the fiber drink in the morning. Now, don't get me wrong, it doesn't taste bad. But, I'm a texture person, so I have a little difficulties and just make myself chug it before I really think about the texture. It was also the first day for the probiotic restore package. These are two tiny pills that you take in the morning on a empty stomach. No big deal, mixed my spark, took my probiotic restore and my catalyst.

Got the family ready and out the door, and off to church. I opted to still participate in the normal Sunday morning routine. We always swing through Mcdonald's for breakfast, a treat on Sundays only. I normally get an Egg McMuffin, and this time opted for no cheese and no canadian bacon. I figured the english muffin wasn't horrible and the egg was fine. I never eat the hasbrown with the meal, and I got a water. It was an okay meal.

Once we get to church, everything goes crazy getting ready for the service, so I knew I wouldn't have time for my mid-morning snack (which is why I figured a little heavier 'breakfast' would carry me over). After church, we went to Ruby Tuesday's. I love their salad bar! I made a huge salad with baby spinach, bell peppers, broccoli, onions, tomatoes, grapes, edamame (soy beans), garbonzo beans and egg on top. I drizzled a little balsamic vinegar on it, and went to town :) Have I mentioned I love their salad bar?

Then we went home and relaxed while Brody took his nap. Of course, David's been sick, so he napped too. I folded some laundry while I watched a little television. Then for my mid-afternoon snack, I had a packet of oatmeal with a banana mixed in (YUMMY). Then for dinner we ate pan seared salmon, wild rice pilaf and steamed brocolli. Before bed, I took my herbal cleanse pill pack, and sleepy time for me.

My energy levels are still doing great! I feel so much more focused on the challenge, and it feels like my body is getting exactly what it needs.