Currently on Day 23

Friday, July 2, 2010

Here's the rundown:

Day 19 - Day 19 was a typical Monday at work, but I couldn't wait to get home. We were supposed to start Brody's swimming lessons at Lakeshore Middle School with Sami (cousin/best friend). But, I was disappointed because it got rained out. So, we had to postpone. Instead, we decided to take Brody to see TOY STORY 3! It was super cute and had a great message! Got home really late, it was 11pm when we got out of the movie. Of course, I had some popcorn. But, I tried to keep the butter VERY minimal, which is hard knowing how good it tastes. Surprisingly, it didn't taste all that great when I got a little butter in there. Of course, Brody loves popcorn, but he was on the edge of his seat the entire movie, no desire to hardly touch the popcorn (glad we got the small!).

Day 20 - Tusedays are typically pretty busy for me at work. I drank my Spark knowing I would need it. I'm still trying really hard to reach my goal of drinking a gallon of water per day! It's tough, because you have to pee ALOT. But, I'm pressing on! I'm loving the results. We actually got to start Brody's swimming lessons, but the rain still threatened to come down. I'm glad we got to start, Brody was SO excited to start on Monday. So, he did amazing! He is like a little fish in the water :) I'm not surprised, I practically lived in the water as a kid! Anyhow, we had Cripsers for dinner, I got the salad trio, chicken, tuna and fruit salads. I was stuffed!! But, it was an overall great day!

Day 21 - Hump day at work! I only work part time, but Wednesdays always seem to drag the most. I met with a good friend of mine to discuss her 24 day challenge! I'm SO excited to see her results! She's going to look amazing soon :) Brody had his second swimming lesson. He just keeps rocking! Everything they ask him to do, he does with ease. It might take a little focusing on my part, because now all he wants to do it jump from the wall. He keeps asking me, "Can I do the wall now?" So CUTE! David didn't feel like cooking dinner, so we ate at Chikfila. My Fave! Another blessed day from the Lord.

Day 22 - Thursdays are eraly days for me. I only work until 3pm. So, when I got off work, I headed home to pickup Brody and lay him down for a nap. That didn't happen :) He was simply too excited about swimming! So, we got to play for a little while before time for his lesson. David was playing at a church with his band, Fighting Forward. As much as I wanted to go see him play (it's been a while!), I knew Brody's swimming lesson was more important. And, unless God saw fit to rain it out, I knew the show would go on without me. Well, on the way to swimming lessons, I realized Iw as hungry (DUH). So, we swung by the pool to make sure the lessons were still going on, then ran over to Wendy's for a quick bite. I got a grilled chicken sandwich and a side salad and ate the chicken plain. Before I could pay for the food, Brody passed out in the back seat. I tried desperately to get him to eat before his lesson, but I could only manage a few french fries for him. So, he ate a cold hamburger afterward. He couldn't stop asking me about his lesson, so I knew it would be better to just let him do his thing. We barely beat the rain on the way home from the lesson. Then I gave him a bath, played in his room for a bit and then off to bed he went! It wasn't that easy for me, I have a hard time falling asleep when David's not home. I fell asleep once in the bathtub and once on the couch before he came home. Overall, a nice day.