First encounters...

Thursday, June 10, 2010

So, I'm wrapping up day one. Here's how my day went:

Mid morning - I ate a packet of plain oatmeal (which is great, never would have known). My spark lasted me all day!
Lunch - I had a salad with chicken on top, with my olive oil and red wine vinaigrette.
Mid afternoon - Rice cake with natural peanut butter (YUM!)
Dinner - Smoked pork, green beans and a baked potato (with minimal butter). I probably could have passed on the butter, but baked potatoes are really dry without any help. Had it been a sweet potato, I could have done it.
Now, I must say that I almost had to force myself to eat because I wasn't really hungry most of the day. That's not to say that at some point I would have been hungry. But, my body isn't used to eating so often (or so healthy). I felt energized all day and really focused. I really love this feeling!